Claudette Lee-Roseland

Only a few pieces of Claudette's work are still available. Regardless, they are some of the best. Many were kept in Claudette's personal collection. When these are gone, they are gone!

To inquire and purchase one of these remaining paintings, contact the Gallery at: or 414-630-3600.


BORN: MAY 28, 1938


Claudette Lee-Roseland, was a well known Wisconsin painter and multi-media artist who passed away after a long battle with cancer. She was one of the sweetest and kindest people that ever lived, a lovely and elegant lady, always active and vibrant with a big smile and welcoming hug. Claudette is missed tremendously - especially in the Cedarburg community. We love you Claudette!

Claudette Lee-Roseland
Blue Melody by Claudette Lee-Roseland
Blue Melody
24 x 24 in.
Composition #27 by Claudette Lee-Roseland
Composition #27
30 x 24 in.
Composition #36 by Claudette Lee-Roseland
Composition #36
10 x 10 in.
Composition #42 Abstract by Claudette Lee-Roseland
Composition #42 Abstract
16 x 24 in.
Composition #9 by Claudette Lee-Roseland
Composition #9
30 x 30 in.
Crazy Lace Agate by Claudette Lee-Roseland
Crazy Lace Agate
30 x 30 in.
Living in Turquoise by Claudette Lee-Roseland
Living in Turquoise
18 x 24 in.
Plume Agate by Claudette Lee-Roseland
Plume Agate
30 x 30 in.
Summer's Crop by Claudette Lee-Roseland
Summer's Crop
24 x 24 in.