Francis Riemer Burt

Seeking quality artwork by Frances Riemer Burt.

Artwork currently unavailable. Please fill out the contact us form, stating your interest and we will let you know when artwork becomes available. Thank you.

(1917 - )

Frances Burt grew up in a rural community in Green County, WI. She taught for five years in a one-room rural school before marrying her husband, Oren Burt, a UW student. While he went to school and worked at a local dairy, she was able to take an active interest in the educational progress of a local school in the Madison area and became a P.T.A president. After four years in Sherman Park, they moved to Albany, WI.

In Albany, Burt raised three children and focuses on her artistry. She became an active member of the Wisconsin Regional Artist Association (WRAA) and Wisconsin Rural Arts Program (WRAP). She was also a playwright.

Although self-taught and ma

Francis Riemer Burt