Ethel Polacheck Margolies

The Gallery seeks paintings, photo and biographical information about Ms. Margolies. Contact:

BORN: 1907 in Milwaukee, WI


Ethel Polachek Margolies was born in Wisconsin. It is unknown haw long she lived in Wisconsin.

She was a graduate of Smith College who studied under the semi-abstract portraitist and muralist Umberto Romano among others. She was a member of the Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts from 1956 and of the Connecticut Watercolor Society and a resident of Canaan.

Ethel exhibited with the Silvermine Guild Artists, in New England, in New Canaan, Conn., 1954-57

In 1960-68 she received awards for indust. painting, 1954, 1957, 1960 & 1964); Springfield Mus., Mass., 1957 (purchase award); Int. Petroleum Art Festival, Tulsa, Okla., 1966 (award for painting); CAFA; Conn. WC Soc., Hartford; Audubon Artists.

She was a member of the Silvermine Guild Artists (bd. trustees, 1954-73); CAFA; Conn. Watercolor  Society.; New Haven Paint & Clay Club

Her preferred media was oil paint and collage.

She was the Gallery Director at Larry Aldrich Museum of Contemp. Art in Ridgefield, CT from the time it opened in 1964-66.

Ethel Polacheck Margolies