Judith Friebert

TO PURCHASE JUDITH's ARTWORK, CONTACT HER DIRECTLY AT: jmfriebert1@hotmail.com or 508-579-3759

Please tell Judith that you saw her beautiful work on The Gallery of Wisconsin Art website! Thank You!

For many years I have focused on depicting small, family dairy farms. As a child I accompanied my parents, Milwaukee artists Joseph and Betsy Ritz Friebert, on sketching trips to the countryside. Dairy farms were plentiful in those days, and we often chose to stop at them, entranced by the beauty of the animals, the rustic old barns and the gentle, rolling hills. The farmers were always welcoming, pleased to have their land admired in this way. Happily, I drew the scenery alongside my mother and father.

Later, as a mature artist, I pursued a variety of imagery and materials. Having moved to rural Massachusetts, I encountered some lovely dairy farms not far from my home and I began to explore the subject again.  Returning to my native state in 2018,

Judith Friebert
Cow and Storm Clouds by Judith Friebert
Cow and Storm Clouds
19 x 25 in.
Cow Path in Summer by Judith Friebert
Cow Path in Summer
19 x 25 in.
Cow's at Rest, Cooper's by Judith Friebert
Cow's at Rest, Cooper's
25 x 19 in.
Cows and Chicken Coop by Judith Friebert
Cows and Chicken Coop
19 x 25 in.
Cows at Rest, Dahm's Farm by Judith Friebert
Cows at Rest, Dahm's Farm
19 x 25 in.
Haystack at Sunset by Judith Friebert
Haystack at Sunset
19 x 25 in.
Late Afternoon, Dahm's by Judith Friebert
Late Afternoon, Dahm's
19 x 25 in.
Resting on Straw by Judith Friebert
Resting on Straw
19 x 25 in.
Towards Sunset by Judith Friebert
Towards Sunset
19 x 25 in.
Waiting for Milking by Judith Friebert
Waiting for Milking
19 x 25 in.
White Cow and Hay Bale by Judith Friebert
White Cow and Hay Bale
25 x 19 in.
White Sky by Judith Friebert
White Sky
25 x 19 in.