Miriam Frink

The Gallery seeks artwork by Miriam Frink. Contact: info@GalleryofWisconsinArt.com

BORN: August 4, 1892, in Elkhart, Indiana

DIED: August 23, 1977, in Ozaukee, WI

Miriam Frink, born and raised in Elkhart, Indiana.

She attended Downer College in her freshman and sophomore years, then transferred to Smith College. After graduation, Frink was offered a position teaching English at Downer and returned to Milwaukee in 1915. Like Partridge, Frink lived in a room on campus, which was part of her compensation.

Mutual interests in art and music fostered a friendship between Charlotte Partridge and Miriam Frink when both attended Downer College. By 1921 they had taken up a domestic relationship and rented an apartment together. The couple would live together for more than fifty years, until Partridge moved into assisted living.



Miriam Frink
Miriam Frink by Miriam Frink
Miriam Frink