Sam Swerdloff

The Gallery seeks biographical information, photo, and artwork by Sam Swerdloff. Contact:

BORN: Sept 1, 1909 in Wisconsin

DIED: May 28, 1984 in New York

Swerdloff studied at the Colt School of Art and the University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI.

WPA era artist in 1934; WPA Fed. Art Project, NY, 1938-39, known for painting murals (Patterson Park High School in Baltimore) in his WPA-Regionalist style.

Swerdloff was active in Wisconsin, Baltimore, and New York during the late 20s thru 1940s, and made painting trips to southern California.

He exhibited in Madison and Milwaukee, WI (prizes); Baltimore, MD (prizes); WPA Exhib. at CGA, 1934; Am. Artists; NYC WPA Art at Parsons School Design, 1977

Member of the artists Union of Baltimore (co-founder), American Artists Congress, and the Artists Union of NY (officer)

Also worked as a free-lance journalist in the late 1920s and 1930s. Founded a public relations agency in New York in 1942.

He also served in WWII.

His works are in the National Gallery, Metropolitan Museum.

Sam Swerdloff