Sheba Jacobson

Seeking Photo, Biography, and quality artwork by Sheba Jacobson. Contact us. Thank you.

Milwaukee census has a Sheba Jacobson birth record below.

BORN: About 1898 in Minnesota

If accurate, she was living in Whitefish Bay, WI at 42 years old.

DIED: (She was still living in 1991 at age 93

Wisconsin Painter and Sculptor.

She studied art and painting at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - about mid 1940s (?)

Sheba Jacobson’s work has been exhibited at the “Wisconsin Women in the Arts” in 1972 and Wisconsin Artists: A Celebration of Jewish Presence” in 1994.


Sheba Jacobson
Just Shoes by Sheba Jacobson
Just Shoes
17 x 21.5 in.
Woman with Bird by Sheba Jacobson
Woman with Bird
11.5 x 8.5 in.