Edmund Lewandowski

Artwork by Lewandowski currently unavailable.Seeking examples of his early work.  
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A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Edmund Lewandowski attended the Layton School of Art from 1931 to 1934 and studied painting.

Lewandowski worked briefly as a public school teacher and good fortunes began to happen in 1936, when he was invited by Edith Halpert to show his paintings at her gallery in New York. Her gallery gave Lewandowski crucial exposure to the New York art world.

That same year, he was commissioned by the Works Progress Administration to execute murals for post offices in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota. At the same time, the art critic Constance Rourke, writing in The New Republic, singled Lewandowski out as one of the best young artists in the Federal Art Program, and he was included in a major W.P.A. exhibition held at the Phillips Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Lewandowski spent the war years producing maps for the United States Air Force and after the Air Force, he joined the Layton School as a fac

Edmund Lewandowski
Amish Farmscape #2 by Edmund Lewandowski
Amish Farmscape #2
9 x 12 in.
View of the River by Edmund Lewandowski
View of the River
11 x 15 in.
Winter Shore by Edmund Lewandowski
Winter Shore
17 x 23 in.