(1905, Peoria, IL – 2006, Milwaukee, WI)
Born in Peoria, Illinois in 1905, Schomer Lichtner would move to Wisconsin early in life. He studied under Gustave Moeller at the Milwaukee State Teachers College, the Milwaukee Art Students’ League, and the Art Institute of Chicago. In 1926, he moved to New York and became a member of the New York Art Students League. Just two years later, Lichtner would return to Wisconsin and study at the University of Wisconsin – Madison under Oskar Hagen.
In 1934, Lichtner married fellow artist Ruth Grotenrath and began working under the Federal Works Progress Administration art program, the Treasury Relief Art Project (TRAP), and the Public Works Art Projects (PWAP). In 1955, Lichtner traveled with Alan Watts, a British philosopher and Zen guru, to Japan. There, he became inspired by Japanese culture and artistic style. By the early 1960s, Lichtner was a teacher of drawing and design at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.
Lichtner was known for his regionalist murals. After traveling to Japan, he would reflect in his works Japan